Projects Public Information

Regional subsidies

Basque Country

Logo Gobierno Vasco
Logo del Fonde Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Logo Ihobe
AcronymFile NºTitle
DIGISEVZL-2024/00403New digital services with high added value for the customer
PRECIBORZL-2024/00560PRECISEBORING - Design and manufacture of optimised tools for machining precision holes for automotive components.
H2EATZL-2024/00568Towards the production of net 0 aluminium automotive components using H2 in the foundry industry
SOLIDBATZE-2024/00031Research on solid-state cell battery packs and modules
HICOREZL-2024/00634Development and validation of low environmental footprint cast components based on innovative regenerated core manufacturing technology
MOSAM1172/2019Technical mortars from the recovery of green moulding sands
BRAKEtorZE-2023/00001Braking solutions for the vehicles of the future.
DIGISERVZL-2023/00494New digital services with high added value for the customer.
SOPALZL-2023/00503One-piece solid subframe manufactured using LPDC technology and the use of secondary aluminides.
HICOREZL-2023/00310Development and validation of low environmental footprint cast components based on an innovative regenerated core manufacturing technology.
HYSCALEZE-2023/00037Hyperscale Edge Computing Open Platform for Industrial DataSpaces.
MONIT_HPDCSI-0028-2023High pressure die casting cell (HPDC) monitoring for intelligent process control
TRAFO198-AEE/2019Improving transformer energy efficiency by increasing power quality.
OPTIMIZERBI-0017-2022Intelligent system for the optimisation of foundry loads.
SEMFEMZE-2022/00006Sustainable and efficient magnet free electric motor for EV.
HICOREZL-2022/00696Development and validation of low environmental footprint cast components based on an innovative regenerated core manufacturing technology.
DESKAR30ZE-2022/0043Research and development of innovative technologies for the decarbonisation of the foundry and forging value chain by 2030.
DIGIVACHZE-2021/00026Data science for its collaborative development in the Advanced Manufacturing VALUE CHAIN through the intelligent and interoperable management of DIGITAL models.
SABREZE-2021/00007Scalable battery for electric heavy duty vehicles.
PAERAMZL-2022/00659Development of a new high-efficiency process for the recovery of molding sand and its recovery in construction materials with high added value.


Logo del Gobierno de Navarra
Logo del Fonde Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
AcronymFile NºTitle
BIGDISC0011-1365-2021-000115Development of cast brake discs for large vehicles.
DISCSAND0011-1365-2020-000169Development of new gray cast iron brake discs manufactured using sandwich molding technology.

National aid

Logo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Logo del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
AcronymFile NºTitle
PP13 - INBATVEC-020100-2022-115Conceptual investigation of a Cell to Pack (C2P) Battery System with lightweight, safe and competitive pouch cells and validation at laboratory scale.
PP28 - FORBATVEC-020400-2022-27Training in quality inspection systems.
PP36 - EVECORVEC-020100-2022-129Feasibility study on advanced e-corner solutions for new urban vehicles.
Compensación costes GEICO2-010000. 2022-192, 210, 211, 212. 2023-10, 11, 12, 13. 2024-51, 52, 53, 54.Greenhouse gas emission cost compensation mechanism (Usurbil, Uribarri, Eskoriatza and Markulete plants).
ICEX-BREXIT0202303051“ICEX-BREXIT" programme financed by European Union funds, to mitigate the adverse consequences of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the Union. Aid granted by ICEX in 2023.
PLAN2015RCI-010000-2015-49Financial support for industrial investment in the framework of the public policy to promote industrial competitiveness in 2015.
ALPRERTC-2015-3822-4Development of aluminium alloys for high-performance design and manufacture of lightweight automotive components using low pressure technology.
PECALIPT-2012-1069-370000Development of new smart, compact disc brake system.
ALICORIPT-370000-2010-024Development of a brake-suspension assembly using reinforced aluminium alloys.