Factory of the future

Experts in technology, with a comprehensive vision of the entire value chain, staying well ahead of the automotive sector’s future challenges.

Technological development with a comprehensive vision of the entire value chain

Customer satisfaction is paramount for Fagor Ederlan. The high reliability and manufacturing efficiency of our plants combined with optimal technology for specialised manufacturing of each component are the key elements of our technological innovation programme.

Maximizing quality, increasing efficiency and optimising resources and consumption are crucial to design of our Smart Factory

Technological innovation and process development

Our innovation and process development programme is aimed at finding the very best, most technologically efficient response with the highest quality and reliability.

We work in a comprehensive, simultaneous fashion, incorporating Product, Process and Material development in our technological model.


  • Product design and Validation
  • Process Design and Validation
  • Tooling and Mould Design and Validation

Innovation focused on offering:


Quality and reliability




Industry 4.0

We research and develop specific Industry 4.0 projects aimed at increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of our plants and technological processes.

We strive for excellence in quality, increased process efficiency and the optimised consumption. Similarly, we work to reduce time to market, by tailoring the value proposition to our customers’ needs.

All of this based on an efficient, flexible digital production model, focused on people to make it even smarter.